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Vocational training

Andreas Leiser has travelled the world – with the objective of acquainting his colleagues with new information technologies. What the experienced IT expert really appreciates at HELM is the exchange of experience in daily practice at all levels. As one of many internal experts, he passes on his knowledge to others.

The laptops in the IT training classroom at HELM AG are open, and there is absolute silence – a state of expectancy of things to come. The large monitor positioned at the front of the room, hanging on the wall like a modern blackboard, shows an input mask from the merchandise management system (MMS). Andreas Leiser, who has been engaged as an IT specialist at HELM AG since 1988, really is in his element. He was instrumental in introducing the programme at the time and is now able to illustrate to his colleagues what it involves and entails.

“My primary task always is to present even complicated facts and data as simply as possible and to show how everything works in practice,” Andreas explains. There have also been instances where he carried out training sessions directly in the workplace, with specific tasks derived from everyday work.

“It’s important to speak the user’s language,” says Andreas. “Even the most beautiful PowerPoint presentation is absolutely useless if the information it contains cannot be saved to a person’s memory.” For this reason, he assigns top priority to really involve his listeners, to give them guidance and deal individually with the different types of learners. 

The individual training needs of each person are determined at HELM AG in the course of the annual employee performance appraisal talks with supervisors and the Human Resources Division. The bandwidth ranges from on-the-job training all the way through to team-building measures, language courses or other advanced training facilities available to contribute towards enhancing the employees’ personal and functional qualifications.

“It’s important to speak the user’s language.”