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Corporate Policy Guidelines


With these Corporate Policy Guidelines, Management plans to give all employees at HELM as well as all interested outsiders information on the  principles, objectives and culture of the Company. HELM adopted these Corporate Policy Guidelines after a thorough analysis and discussion process. They serve to convey our principles and convictions that have shaped the HELM in its development and which are valid for the future and characterised by the aspect of sustainability of our actions and operations.

The clearer we formulate our objectives, the better we will be able to achieve these. This applies in equal measure to our commercial and business orientation and to our commitment to performance and high quality standards. The fact that HELM will remain a family enterprise on a permanent basis on account of its shareholder’s wish will give its business associates and employees the necessary long-term security that is lacking in many enterprises today. This decision is also the expression of our social co-responsibility for the further societal and economic development. This also extends to include responsible treatment of the environment as contemplated by the principles of responsible care and stewardship.

We will do our utmost to do justice to the requirements of our mission statement in our day-to-day work so that they will become common practice for our business associates and employees, thus contributing to our sustainable success.


Long-term and sustainable creation of values in the international marketing of chemicals.


  1. We are an international marketing organization in the field of chemicals, focussing on national and international distribution. We perform extensive services for our business partners.
  2. We are top of the class in our product groups.
  3. We pay the most careful attention to our customers and suppliers. We act fairly, openly, flexibly, quickly and reliably.
  4. We are a family-owned company.
    Shareholders and employees are equally committed to maintaining our independence.
  5. We are performance and future-oriented and have traditional values.
  6. We believe in social responsibility towards our employees and our community.
  7. We think long-term and aim for constant and sustainable expansion of our business.
  8. We act at all levels in accordance with the highest quality standards. It is our aim to convince through top performance.
  9. We handle chemical raw materials with Responsible Care to protect mankind and the environment.
  10. We are profit-oriented and cost-conscious, and our performance is controlled by financial indicators.


"Open to the future"

We grow organically through the expansion of our strengths and our sustained focus and specialisation in our product groups and markets.

We thereby accept the challenge of carrying out the required adjustment of our marketing structures and processes in the face of the increasing complexity of our various business areas.